The Isuzu Ltd. in the United Kingdom has surely made sure that the new Isuzu Rodeo Denver Max 2.5 would be known by the motoring public in the mentioned region. And with the assistance of local dealers in the area, this new vehicle would be made available for viewing and for discovery at the Royal Welsh Show this coming 24th of July up until the 27th of the same month.
Although aftermarket parts for Isuzu Rodeo would not be available at the said show, interested show goers could surely find time to go through the new Isuzu Rodeo model. In fact, at the mentioned show, visitors and guests could discover and see for themselves just what this new vehicle has to offer. And yes, the company has also presented to the public a new deal that most Isuzu owners would surely not want to miss. All customers are actually offered a free upgrade on all 3.0 Isuzu Denver Max models. Come to think of it, customers and Isuzu owners would surely save around $2,000.
What is the Isuzu Rodeo, you may ask? Well, this vehicle also is known as the Opel Frontera, Vauxhall Frontera, as well as the Holden Frontera. Different names may be confusing but all these only refer to the Isuzu Rodeo. Manufactured by the Isuzu auto manufacturer autel maxicheck pro, this vehicle has certainly been in production since 1991. It took the spot that used to belong to the Isuzu Ascender and this new vehicle has been made to be a midsized sport utility vehicle. It has most certainly been built as a wagon that holds four doors maxisys elite. Competition in the auto market for this SUV includes the Toyota Highlander, Hyundai Santa Fe, Nissan Xterra, as well as the Jeep Liberty.
And according to Kenyon Neads, "Isuzu UK are delighted, yet again, to support the Royal Welsh Show and Welsh Farming. The Rodeo is particularly popular with the farming community due to its torquey engine and its bullet proof reliability." Neads is the brand manager for Isuzu UK.
Auto Parts Go Jennifer Dylan is a 35-year-old gal who hails from San Francisco. She has a habit of updating herself on new car trends and models. She spends most of her time reading up on cars and hopes to test drive them. She works for one of the topnotch car parts dealer in the U.S.Related Links