There are many bike riders that like having a shield in front of them as they ride MaxiDiag Elite MD802. Shields help keep the bugs out of your teeth and the rain from feeling like shot from a shotgun. They also help protect the riders from large bug spatter that almost knock them off their bikes, as well as debris that comes from vehicles either passing or that is in front of them. They are great in the wintertime to block the cold wind. The winter wind will make your hands numb no matter if you wear riding gloves or not.
There are many types of bikes on the road today, and the type of bike that you have has to be considered when purchasing a windshield. The cruisers mostly sit low and you should notice how high your eyes and head are from the headlight. It is each rider's preference as to how high the windshield should be, however, most riders like to look over the top edge of the windshield. You should also be able to see at least 50 feet in front of you. You should also consider the width of the windshield for winter riding. Do you want it to protect your hands? The bikes that you have to lean forward to ride, such as the Honda CBR, usually go by the same general rules that the cruisers do.
There are several differences in certain types of material for motorcycle windshield materials. The oldest type is the Acrylic type, they were well known for their crystal clear windshields, and however, drill mounting put stress cracks in the acrylic and lead to breakage. Then as time passed a high impact Acrylic windshield was developed which passed a plastic test called the IZOD test autel maxisys pro ms908p, where the standard acrylic broke at 1.5 pounds per foot and the high impact windshield held up to 8 pounds per foot before it broke. Now the new Quantum Polycarbonate is the toughest material made that outstands the others with much better strength much better optical quality, and has far better scratch and abrasion resistance.
There are several differences in the types of motorcycle windshield materials. In the past windshields were made from FMR surface coatings, which gave the polycarbonate a much better abrasion resistance, than ordinary acrylic windshields. These FMR polycarbonate were the Cadillac of motorcycle windshields for many years, but has now lost its place as another type has been developed.
The new Quantum windshields now offer 30 times more abrasive resistance than the old acrylic windshields and 10 times more resistance than the FMR coatings. As far as crack resistance, the Quantum is 23 times better than the acrylic types, and is equal in crack resistance as FMR polycarbonates.
The old adage stands that you get what you pay for. If you are worried about the price and purchase a windshield that you can afford, it may not protect you the way you would like, instead of saving the money and purchasing the best motorcycle windshield on the market. Safety should always be your utmost concern, as there is no one more important that yourself.
Merlin an old school rider shares his experience and knowledge with thousands of readers monthly. For more information about motorcycle windshields visit chilhowee.netRelated Links