1, the stronger the high beams at night drive more unsafe. The greater light irradiation angle more secure, the higher the brighter lights carry more dangerous;
2, the clutch is not customary way to reduce the trouble. This is not only bad for the machine and trouble will be more and more important is insecure;
3, in the uneven ground parking, only to pull the handbrake still hanging on the gear, this is the best way to prevent the decline of the vehicle;
4, one-way traffic if dual channel, press the dotted line with the most insecure. Because before moving vehicle cannot judge your driving intentions;
5, when the high-speed cornering, while the clutch side of the most unsafe brakes. Under no circumstances, will increase the inertia of the clutch driving a vehicle, you should lower gear before stepping on the brakes with;
6, encounter other drivers unskilled or illegal, should stay away from as quickly as possible autel maxidiag elite md802. Horn or headlights tips, will only increase the tension each other, making it more difficult to control the vehicle;
7, and the road when turning or should be turned to look at the back of the car, look at the mirror. Because, sometimes mirror adjustment will be dead too bad phenomenon, in addition, after turning the light on, will increase the chances of their vehicles near the speed or slow down and only from the mirror cannot fully determine the correctness;
8, when the car driving, in addition to maintaining a safe distance around the outside, should be avoided to keep the left and right side of the vehicle parallel, can slow down the speed to overtake or to stagger and Walker. The biggest downside is tied distracted driving, easily distracted, the novice driver more likely to cause nervousness;
9, on a smooth road, you should learn to use good gear to control the vehicle;
10, when the speed overtaking, the first running back to observe and judge the case, in determining the vehicle behind does not want to exceed their own circumstances, and then observe and judge the situation ahead maxisys pro.
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